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Sunday, January 28, 2007


ok i know i havent written in quite a while so here is a quick update on my life since i last wrote:

- i had a BLAST the day after i wrote my last post caz i went to the dance party that was suppossed to be for the juniors.
- i got to know that i got through the dance tryouts and that i have been selected to join them for Aristal
- i had a BLAST in hindi school for both wqeekends as usual
- my first dance prac was SUPER fun, on the following wed
- the mon in between i ahd loads of fun in photography with my juniors! we all went down to botanical gardens
- i went for my first aeromedical science elective and was picked representative of it, must say it was exciting!
- i had projects the whole week, hopefully all of them went well.

oh and the highlight of these 2 weeks was the cheetah girls 2 party with my friends last night. we all went over to watch the movie and like we totally messed up her home but then we cleaned it up too. so yeah it was loads of fun and my sis went too! and all of their sis were also there. that wass pretty fun!

and so here i am again back to today where i have a project or more like a geography assignment due 2morrow so i got to go and finish it!

btw, nowadays am loving the attention from all my friends! haha seeya'll
PS: DO LISTEN TO "DON'T FORGET TO REMEMBER ME BY KELLY CLARKSON" its like the MUST SONG to listen to this month before feb comes....


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Coming Clean at
<6:41 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


Thursday, January 11, 2007

hey guys!

ok i know ihavent written here for like 11 days and im sorry! DUN WORRY I AM NOT GIVIN UP ON THIS BLOG AGAIN! i dun think i can afford too as if i do, there will be this huge angry mob of people after me AGAIN! hehe. anyways yeah so basically here are the highlights of my life till now:

1. i am finding school FUN!
2. i love MI and mrs Marianne Tan's Lessons esp the one today!
3. i am not liking chemistry only because it is last yrs topics!
4. same goes for IH goegraphy component, caz its like 6 essays in 1 term!
5. but am liking all the teachers we have this term caz they are all SO NICE!
6. i have become supposedly more confident
7. my sea has been changed in class, now i am in the back row with the smartest guy in the class : Alvyn! and on my other side Chixuan! but oh wells life moves on.....
8. My mom encouraged me to tryout for western dance when i told her of my plans to join outside school since the one i was doing has kinda closed becaz of lack of ppl.
and so i went for the tryouts which were today
9. i LOST FREAKIN 7KGs! the best part, i have NO idea at all how i managed to do it. guess it was just the jogging i did over the hols.
10. i am seriously beginning to like SCHOOL!

So these were the top ten highlights till now. i am So dead tired right now caz i just came back from western dance tryouts, and took a NICE LONG shower! it was SUPER refreshing but i am still sleepy! ARGH! have to fight sleepiness...... anyways coming back to the topic, which is now about the dance party tomorrow? ANYONE GOING besides OGLs and juniors? caz i wanna go badly but no one to go wif. actually i dun mind going alone but just in case anyone is looking for a partner.. i am available! haha

Thats all for now, stay tuned asia tonight is coming shortly! haha isnt tt how they say it on channel newsasia! hehe


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Coming Clean at
<8:29 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


Monday, January 01, 2007

hey guys!

yes i know this is kinda late and that the end of new year is only 40 mins away BUT better late than Never right?

SO HERE is wishing u a happy new year 2007! may u all have a prosperous new year and may all your wishes and resolutions come true! also may u have a wonderful holiday till the second cause its hari raya haji!

anyways i am wondering how all of u spent your new year? lemmi know on my tag board! i spent my new year firstly by watching the Singapore Countdown at vivocity on TV! well before that i went to orchard with my family and then came home to watch the countdown! YAY! anyways then watched the indian countdown on Sony entertainment television! that was like 2.5 hrs long~ OF COURSE. and their countdown wasnt exactly a countdown. it was just performances and then abruptly fireworks at 12~ [india time] or 2.30 here! anyways i was like OMG it was not really that grand and neither was it live! I WAS LIKE OMG!

on top of that, they didnt recognize the local talent! they didnt get indian idolS nor did they get local indian backdrop dancers!~ [the ones that dance at the back of the actual performers]
THEY ACTUALLY GOT SOME CAUCASIAN DANCERS! i was like OMG! anyways in that way Singapore is much better for recognizing local talent! i mean at least taufik, hardy and jonathan were given a chance to sing on stage! EVEN project superstar finalists and Singapore Idol Finalists got to sinG! PLUS BONUS.....IT WAS LIVE!!!!!!

like the singing and all was SO totally LIVE! i mean even when the new year show on sony was recorded, SO WAS THE SINGER"S VOICE! i mean it was obvious he was lip singing cause he like took an obvious breadth when he was supposed to sing that line in 1 breadth!

ANYWAYS, Moving onto the real new year.....i basically woke up late cause i slept late DUH! so after that i ended up going to my dads place to work, cause his office was open even though it was a public hol! the best part is that it is open tomorrow as well! haha. anyways I FINALLY IN MY ENTIRE CAREER LIFE SO FAR SOLD A LAPTOP! HAHA yeah i was dying to sell one cause my dad was really good at it and all i can seel really well are the computer parts, like hard disk, ram, etc. SO anyways i even managed to cross my highest sales and went further than that.

then i went down to bugis for some shopping half an hour before closing time and pampered myself with some goodies! after all it was NEW YEAR'S DAY! and i even bought stuff for my family!

then came home and like sat down and watched tv! I WAS LIKE SUPER TIRED! been watching since 10 30 cause i came home at 10 30! haha. yupz, my dads life is REALLY WEIRD! but in a way i like it! and i would like to thank NJC for giving me the opportunity to know more about the business through job shadowing day when i shadowed my dad and found that it can be VERY interesting! since then i have been tail riding him! haha anyways now 20 more mins left to new year and im going to enjoy it!

TO EVERYONE OUT THERE: HAPPY NEW YEAR! may this year bring all the laughs and charms to your life. [btw got this line from a friend who sent me a msg for happy new year, Kunal, thanks for the line dude!] haha


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Coming Clean at
<11:20 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


~ ME
Anshuja Charvi Wadhwa
15 + and Lovin It
was and always proudly will be the cusp of a LEO and a Virgo!
A Full Time Silly, Crazy, Nothing-But-Harry-Potter-and-Hilary-Duff-in-my-head Person

Princess Elizabeth Primary School
Singapore Chinese Girls' School

National Junior College IP


Band Member [In Primary School]
Art Club Member  [Through Primary School, Sec School and STILL LOVING IT]
Multimedia Club Member [In Secondary School]
Photography Club Member [LOVE SHOOTING PEOPLE]
Western Dance [it was smth i always did outside school but my mom encouraged me to tryout and i got thru so here i am]

Pri 1F/ 2F/ 3A/ 4B/ 5B/ 6B
Sec 1SE/ 2GR

06IP05 [ and it rocks!]

PE Rep
Science Rep
History Rep

MI Rep

Class Creative Director

She eats her daily vitamins
Goes to the toilet like most other people do.
She's God's creation, and so are you.

a Moods

Daniel Radcliffe
Johnny Depp
Hanging out with Friends and having fun!
OWN CLASS (06ip05 cause it rocks! And I <3 em)
JUNIOR CLASS (07ip05) [met them during induction as OGL and THEY ARE ROCKIN!]
Drawing [cartoons usually]
Doing Crafts
Jamming on Guitar
Watching Movies With Hot Butter Popcorn
Listening to my iPod
Good POP songs
Playing Basketball (esp with SC Friends)
Dancing (esp Hip Hop)
Reading novels (like HARRY POTTER!)
Soft Toys
Satisfying food (Usually moms cooking)
Period Dramas [nice to see other people's problems once in a while]
MY Comp and Speakers
Day-Dreaming (Once in a while)
Chatting on MSN with ALL my Friends
Talking on the phone for hours with my girlfriends in SPYDERS (u know who u are!)
Can't Stand:
Hilary Duff Critics
Harry Potter Critics
Daniel Radcliffe Critics
(as long as u don't insult them in front of my face or on my blog, you wont be hated)
Paris Hilton or any other such cliche actors/singers
Spongebob Squarepants (cause he is polluting the young minds of the children and filling sawdust in em!)
People Showing Off
People Insulting/ Hurting Others (esp my Friends)
Interruptions during my Fav Movies or TV Programmes
People Enforcing anything on me [I do things as I please]
Used To:
Wearing casts Due to Basketball {For Sprains}
Teachers and Parents breathing down my neck to get me to work harder.

a Wishlist

Electric Guitar
Ipod Video
Electric Guitar Synthesizer
Hilary Duff Collectors Items
Hilary Duff Fan's Membership
To be in Hilary Duff's BAND!
That My friends always remain my friends!
To be able to sing
To be a Spy and Serve my Country

And OF COURSE: World Peace
[Got to a Miss Congeniality now don't we?]

a Friends


a Archives

November 2004
December 2004
October 2005
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007