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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

hey guys!

feeling super tired today so its gonna be short...............i feel TIRED! yes...haha yeah slept only like 5 hrs last night.....was up studying......thought of going to bed in 30 mins and when i lifted my head back up it was 3am! haha this is happening to me oh too many times during these hols...thats it...i am NOT studying today.....YEAH!

anyways am super tired.....i had geog with lichun over today and after lunch amy came over to do physics! so yeah.........i was totally busy! and PHYSICS BLEW MY MIND! we like redid everything and finally figured a new in the same design but new ideas implemented...... yeah so anyways all i have now is a car that goes straight 7m with 1 balloon only if u say e magic word! haha

yeah so basically its unreliable and we have 2morrow to work on it! THATS ALL! ARGH!

yeah so basically i hope no other surprise thingeys coming up........yeah and i need help in some trigo questionsfrom hw set E and F! so anyone free to help me? hehe lemmi know! haha......

yeah so tts all...gtg and have dinner now! yupps! BYE!


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Coming Clean at
<8:26 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


Monday, February 19, 2007

hey guys! ok i know i havent written for quite some time..........was like totally enjoying my chinese new year hols! haha yeah! haha so on firday after the celebrations had a quick study session with some friends down at KAP! it was like OMG FUN! haha we like ate french fries like crazy..............haha 3 of us finished 2 large! haha anyways we went jogging this morn to loose all of it!

yeah and my mom left for india on sat eve! it was so SAD! haha yeah she wont be back for wuite some time........she got a job offer so gone to check it out supposedly! haha

yeah and sunday was a trip in sentosa.........yeah wif me dad.....was fun and laid back and OMG CROWDED! haha

yeah it was seriously PACKED with ppl like sardines in a sardine can.......even though i ahve never opened a sardine can.....HAHA! ok nvm am like totally bored ppl! yeah! and those on msn are not talking to me! WAH! all are muggers! i like stayed up last night till like 3am mugging.......then watched half a movie on ipod! haha and then finally i went to sleep! haha

yeah this morn got up around 9.30 and studying since then.......decided to stop at 12.20 and havent gone back to studying since then.......thinking of going swimming! i realised that i CANNOT study or work in the afternoon esp after lunch! its like not possible fer me!.......feel like seriously chillin in the afternoon after lunch!

ms Yeo, my chem teacher told me that its becaz since your stomach needs energy to work on the food, so all the blood flows to your stomach instead of your head! yupps!:)

so right now i am slacking away watching utube videos on hilary duff! LIKE OMG!


1)Hilary duff has a new song ppl! its called WITH LOVE! and its damn nice.........
2)Her new album coming out April 3! YAY! i am so pre-ordering! godnees its S$45. ARGH! time to cough up savings! argh....ok nvm i think i have enough
3) She and Joel have broken up.........i think its official but yeah sad for her......lets all sympathize with her! OMG! i am so heartbroken...i thought they were pretty cute together! haha yeah......what do u guys think of the couple? lemmi know on my tagboard!
4) song(s) of the week:

- "Not ready To make Nice" By Dixie Chicks-------they won 4 GRAMMYS!
i mean c'mon! best song, best album best dunno-what-nots........... 4! 4! ARGH!
- "With Love" by hilary duff and listen to her songs on cd when it comes out !


i ahve to be off....going to swim! BYE!



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Coming Clean at
<3:40 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

haha here i am guys breaking my rrecords by writing like 3 posts on e same day! OYE PPL! congratulate me on my tagboard leh! i am like keeping such an updated blog! haha

anyways today was vday adn it was SUPER fun with loads of hugging my friends and classmates! [GIRLS OF COURSE] haha

yeah and then a LOT of rumours and facts going around obout new relationships and the usual that goes on on Valentines day! yeah so basically today we also had a History or IH presentation on Overurbanzation in Jakarta! ARGH! it was terrible and Later i asked Danni and Erusha and they were like totally honest and told me that it was BAD! FELT EVEN MORE HORRIBLE AFTER THAT BUT SUPER relieved that it was OVER! MUAHAHAH now all that is left is the physics write-up due 2morrow! YEAH and then hols in which i still have to study but NO SCHOOL for like 5days! yeah MAN!

ok so basically after school i went to coronation with chixuan and linh and we got the "materials" for a lantern making comp that was like each class has to submit a lantern and we like totally forgot so being class creative director i had to RUSH! ARGH! anyways yeah before we went down to coronation we had like use your hands session during CAAL and we cleaned our classrooms and then played polar bear and then just sat around and talked! yeah and tiff came over too! haha so yeah it was FUN FUN FUN! we talked bout the many rumours, music and i like after a LONG time of asking ppl around found LINH to go down to coro with! YAY

anyways grabbed really good snacks from werribee! and like the aunty totally remmebered that the first time i entered werribee was like on the eve of chinese new yr and the eve of chines new is 2morrow! haha she was like so i have known u fer one yr now! YAY! haha she was super nice! made me food in like 4 mins caz she knew i had to rush off! SO SWEET!

yeah so we came back, "made" the lantern with sneha getting glitter all over her face and zestin being the genius to be able to figure of the instructions and me practically laughing away at sneha! HAHA she seriously had glitter all over her face and was looking damn hilarious! BUT that same glitter came in handy when we went down to give the lantern! haha it was like first i tried calling sam, the head of aqua house who like expected us to win cause i am in charge of the lantern from our class! so yeah then she didnt pick up so i decided to go down to e council room and sneha willingly followed me! haha there we shouted and some guy told us he doesnt know...and then he said some ppl might be working on their lantern in the classroom across! so we started walking that way when we met Varun and he was like OMG what happened to u sneha! and we were like both of us slaved away on a lantern and he was like HOW COME INDIANS ARE DOING IT?! haha and sneha was like caz charvi is class cd and caz i am a nice friend! haha DAMN HILARIOUS MAN! haha LOLLOLOLOLOLO! haha anyways then we like totally cornered hima dn tried to get the glitter onto him but he backed off andw we gave up too so yeah! haha anyways then we said happy vday and me and sneha demanded for our gifts! and he was like oh i dun have! haha and sneha was like YEAH I KNEW IT AND THATS y she like gave his present away! haha

DAMN FUNNY! oh and he didnt know the location of the place either just that he thought that it was beside the ava room! so me and sneha walked to that classroom across first and they were like STUNNED and shocked! and we were like YES WE SLAVED THE WHOLE WEEK ON THAT LANTERN caz the ppl just didnt believe us! OMG I LIKE TOTALLY CRACKED ON THE SPOT! it was SO FUNNY! haha! i think Philosophy is actually coming in handy cause convincing ppl that we actually made that lantern was like SUPER easy! haha! anyways they dodnt know so we walked on the second floor thinking the ava room is there...but we didnt find it...reaching the hall we walked in and saw jessica! OUR SENIOR! OUR LIFE SAVIOUR! haha yeha so she called gerad and found out that it is in SR31 and sneha and me looked at each other and we were like where in the world is the freaking sr31~!?!?!?!?! haha and sneha being EVEN more blur was like SO WHAT ARE U GOING TO SHOWCASE FER THE STAR SYMPOSIUM! and me and jessica were like.....ITS OVER!!!! and sneha was like oh u are packing up?!??! i thought u were setting up!!! HAHAHAHA!
DAMN FUNNY! GONE CASE AH SERIOUSLY!!! HAHA! oh and jessica also had that same STUNNEd reaction of OH U MADE THAT LANTERN?!?! and we explained about the glitter on sneha's face and convincingly told her how we slaved away ALL WEEK! ARGH! haha

yeah so we FINALLY found SR31 and the councillor on duty there was also like STUNNED......repeating story of how we slaved away till the alst min looking at the glitter on sneha's face! haha

yeah so then Varun called and like asked me and sneha to come down to the council room and we wondered WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES HE WANT NOW!? and we went...hollored for him and he came out with two pretty flowers! SO SWEET! and i gave hima return present! haha was only nice...then the wierdo guy who directed us to classroom came out and he was like....I DUNNO WHO U ARE BUT HAPPY VDAY! and gave us flowers too....and we and sneha were like thanks and Varun told us he was our great grandsenior in Varun's class too! and we tried calling him but he liek walked all the way back where he came form and 2 sec later he came out agaain....I DUNNO WHO U ARE BUT HAPPY VDAY! and me and sneha felt dejavu! haha ! OMG it was the most hilarious thing ever! yeah then i gave him a vday gift too! YEAH! haha...well it was only nice thing to do! haha

yupps so in the end me and sneha went home laughing away like crazy ppl and sneha having TONE of glitter on her face.....

HAHA YEAH today was SUPER freaky but SUPER nice....yeah i was SO tired by the end that i decided not to stay fer dance and also i wasnt feeling well so yeah.......yeah anyways just found out i didnt miss much adn that i can catch up easily so lucky day huh! haha well cept for the IH presentation adn the stress before that...EVERYTHING else was fien oh and my day was made when eru let me hear the harry potter quidditch theme song on his mp3 at the end after cleaning our class!

yeah so today was a FREAKY YET SUPER FUN, SUPER ENTERTAINING AND REALLY A DAY FOR ALL TO BE LOVED! at least i felt loved at the end of the day! haha.....
yeah oh btw other presents cept for the flowers at the last part include:

1) A red rose from Tiffany
2) Cookie from wenlin
3) Ferrer Rocher chocolates from Sneha
4) Heart Shaped Cookies from Bandana
5) A SUPER NICE stalk of candies from Yao Yi
6) Biscuits from my mortal from my junior class
7) Kueh from Amanda and Maxine from my junior class
8) a red rose from Bandana and Sneha together
9) A chocolate from Amy

yeah so thats a summary of the things i got! YEAH MAN!.....for the rest of the day ppl....just sit back and enjoy it!



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Coming Clean at
<7:41 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


hey guys i am just bored at like 7AM in school waiting fer my grp members to show up and also the uncle who does us a BIG favour every morning and to open the door to our classroom! anyways i know that me IH group is like going nowhere but thank god for a Chinese and Lunch period before IH that just might help us catch up!

oh wells this is a short post caz i am totally SIAN is that what they call it? haha anyways bye fer now......ayao yi is here and reading the IH slides on my comp while i type this on hers! haha more ppl coming! better go wish them happy vday!



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Coming Clean at
<7:01 am>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

hey guys!

ok i am totally stressed over IH assignment and the presentation is like 2morrow and then the physics write up is also due on thursday! but like i am more of totally get over and done with and enjoy the chinese new yr hols...not like i can cause i will be working away in KAP enjoying either a hot apple pie, a corn cup or a nice cold ice milo! yeah...if anyone wants to join me i will be there practically 24/7!

haha so yeah i am def saying no to going to m'sia! oh BTW i have to get up like 515 tomorrow cause i ahve to reach school by 6.30! YEAH! so i have to go to sleep soon but yeah i just wanna wait to wish u happy vday! YEAH MAN! see how dedicated a blogger i have become! and over the march hols i may change my skin too!

so yeah i got all my presents ready for vday and on top of that a lantern i have to make by 2morrow AND i ahve WD! ARGH! think i cant go fer wd 2morrow cause i really dun think i can!
or ill just go really really late!

well seriously i dont have time unless oemone is willing to dot he lantern with me or for me! BUT I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THAT! SO FORGET IT! ARGH!

ok so yeah reached home at 9 today so didnt exactly have time to go and buy materials and i am like SO TIRED right now my eyes are half closed! ARGH!

ok i am crapping too much! and yes pl ppl ignore my typing errors caz i am really in a mode where i jsut have to close my eyes and im gone to lalala land! ok anyways .........ARGH! 10 more mins ppl! ok im gonne pack my bag till then.......

ok guys im back! and still 3 mins left......ARGH!

ok now 2!~ ..... till then i shall entertain u with my vday gifts....i am totally like buyign only fer my class and close friends! oh and i have to go and get smth nice for hindi school friends too like THURSDAY! by hook or by crook! caz i really dun ahve the time caz we are meeting onsaturday adn probably before that too! but not sure of that


HAPPY VDAY TO ALL U PPL OUT THERE! INCLUDING THOSE WHO THINK I AM HIL DUFF! CLOSE YOUR EYES AND MAKE A WISH! "believe in love at first sight" (c) Disney! hehe and totally all u need to get through life is "FAITH, TRUST AND PIXIE DUST!" have a Happy Valentine Day!


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Coming Clean at
<11:45 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


Monday, February 12, 2007


ok here i am again with MONDAY BLUES or Monday syndrome [as my junior class puts it] haha LOL. well whatever it is the definition of monday is that it is a LONG and TIRING day ending off with PE at like 4.30!!!!! and then cca!!!! but today was i must say today was a BIT slack cause we didnt have GS period....HOWEVER, we being the very hardworking ppl that we are in 05, did PHYSICS! MUAHAHA yeah u guessed it the project! it our car managed to go 7m by the end of the day! and WE ARE OH SO PROUD CREATORS! OH THANK U! haha...well before i become to mellow drame, those whoa re interested in joining the singles club on wednesday valentines day, lemmi know! there is one group going out haha.....well cause basically we are all bored on valentines day [which btw is this wed] and we all wanna mingle so yeah....and as usual this yr almost evryone in my class is single and enjoying it cept for one.....yeah u guessed it....the one that always makes sure he gets his gurl no matter what! i rmb i bought roses for his gfs last yr and he still owes me a favour for it! haha yeah.....SPOILED my valentines day eve.....but oh wells.....yeah then again all the guys in my class and funny and nice!!! i mean doing projects with ppl like ZiChao and Erusha or ZiHao is just plain entertaining while doing with Chris and Alvyn is more of FUNNY! haha

tt reminds during GS when me and Amy were doing our physics, and as usual chris and alvyn were slacking away until alvyn kinda told us that he will finish up the write up and that he had to go fer his we decided to let him the meantime guess what chris was....THE PEELER! yeah man...he basically stood at attention at the call of his name and marched to our table to .......PEEL THE BACK OF MY STICKY SCOTCH TAPE! HAHAHA! it was SUPER funny! haha and that day when chris and alvyn came over to my house to do physics project....chris looked fer the scissors and alvyn passed the physics file from my table...the rest of the time they played my guitar for entertainment or they did their trigo hw! ARGH! it was damn frustrating!

haha but oh wells....thats the price u smtimes have to pay for such FUn classmates.....haha yeah and working with ZiChao,Erusha,Matthew and ZiHao like totally makes my day cause they make u laugh like carzy by the end of the day and still do their share of work......ANYWAYS......coming up in my nxt post....about some of the girls in my class! so keep in tuned to the blog of a milo and hilary duff - addict!

i have kinda gone crazy and loco and that reminds me that i have physics and IH due this fact IH due this wed and the writeup for physics due this friday! MUHAHAHA! oh wells so yeah i gtg! seeya'll like soon! TOTALLY! haha

BYE! Ciao! Sayonara! Good day!

P.S. SONG OF THE WEEK:::: "Perfect" by Simple Plan i have kinda fell in love with their cd recently and i think this is gonna be permanent like Hilary Duff.......haha


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Coming Clean at
<6:41 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

hey guys,
so here is a quick update on today.....actually nth much to tell ya just that i had a blast during dance and was like totally FUN day....well actually not caz its like a day of torture known as Wednesday.......ARGH! well monday blues and Fridays are really bad too.. ITS LIKE THE BACK ROW OF THE CLASS THAT MAKES SCHOOL MORE LIVELY My special thanks going out to Erusha for his jokes throughout maths esp, Chixuan for his help in waking me up during physics and chemistry, Alvyn for being so kind and getting food fer us to eat in class smtimes hehe and Danni who like totally is DAMN CUTE and SUPER helpful

and oh and btw, i forgot to tell u guys that i realised i have a lot of typo errors and am trying to improve....realised i probably type too fast and my fingers move faster than i think. So thats my theory on why i have so many typo errors! hehe.....anyways i have to go off now...have MI journal due tommorow, including 2 tests on friday and 2 latters to write to my juniors and there is always the noticeboard and lantern that i have to do fer e class....


SONG OF THE WEEK IS STILL " Too Little Too Late" By JOJO and "Welcome To My Life" By Simple Plan......



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Coming Clean at
<7:52 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

hey guys!

ok since the last post, here is a quick update

1) we started playing angel and mortal two-way with my junior class and its SUPER-UBER FUN
2) i have fallen fer simple plan.......
3) i tried a new drink and i loved it.... its called H2OH! and its like super refreshing! totally tastes like 7up but without any calories.
4) I have started LOVING photog, as in even more cause its more fun with juniors and now that i know mroe ppl.
5) art club is totally dead but we are gonna have loads of workshops coming up!
6) WD is like totally getting more and more fun with prac every wed and we have learnt like 4 dances by now!
7) school is becoming liek totally stressful but its friends that make me go there esp ppl IN 06IP05! YAY! FIGHT CIA WE DO IT RIGHT!
8) i have to like do major notice board changes and still havent decided on a thing!
9) MUSIC is like helping me survive totally if not i would be like shriveled up in a corner! esp in this cold!
10) TODAY MI was a blast! we ahd our presentation and with ppl like Avyn, Zi Chao, Erusha, Chi Xuan and Qu Ting, they totally made it interesting in a funny and good way!

So here were the top ten stories of this week...btw ppl dont forget....VALENTINES DAY is coming up and we totally love valentines day here in NJ so we are gonna have FUN!

up song of the week : "WELCOME TO MY LIFE" by SIMPLE PLAN! YEAH

oh and btw "Too Little Too Late" by Jojo has been in the top 10 for like 5 weeks now and i have totally in love with the song so listen to that one too!

so guys KEEP TAGGING, and dont forget your daily dose of Hilary Duff. A Hialry Duff song a day, definately keeps to doctor away!

Sionara from here, goodbye and until next week, dont forget to listen to MUSIC!

caz music....makes the people come together....



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Coming Clean at
<7:22 pm>

Charvi just shouted Hilary Duff Rocks


~ ME
Anshuja Charvi Wadhwa
15 + and Lovin It
was and always proudly will be the cusp of a LEO and a Virgo!
A Full Time Silly, Crazy, Nothing-But-Harry-Potter-and-Hilary-Duff-in-my-head Person

Princess Elizabeth Primary School
Singapore Chinese Girls' School

National Junior College IP


Band Member [In Primary School]
Art Club Member  [Through Primary School, Sec School and STILL LOVING IT]
Multimedia Club Member [In Secondary School]
Photography Club Member [LOVE SHOOTING PEOPLE]
Western Dance [it was smth i always did outside school but my mom encouraged me to tryout and i got thru so here i am]

Pri 1F/ 2F/ 3A/ 4B/ 5B/ 6B
Sec 1SE/ 2GR

06IP05 [ and it rocks!]

PE Rep
Science Rep
History Rep

MI Rep

Class Creative Director

She eats her daily vitamins
Goes to the toilet like most other people do.
She's God's creation, and so are you.

a Moods

Daniel Radcliffe
Johnny Depp
Hanging out with Friends and having fun!
OWN CLASS (06ip05 cause it rocks! And I <3 em)
JUNIOR CLASS (07ip05) [met them during induction as OGL and THEY ARE ROCKIN!]
Drawing [cartoons usually]
Doing Crafts
Jamming on Guitar
Watching Movies With Hot Butter Popcorn
Listening to my iPod
Good POP songs
Playing Basketball (esp with SC Friends)
Dancing (esp Hip Hop)
Reading novels (like HARRY POTTER!)
Soft Toys
Satisfying food (Usually moms cooking)
Period Dramas [nice to see other people's problems once in a while]
MY Comp and Speakers
Day-Dreaming (Once in a while)
Chatting on MSN with ALL my Friends
Talking on the phone for hours with my girlfriends in SPYDERS (u know who u are!)
Can't Stand:
Hilary Duff Critics
Harry Potter Critics
Daniel Radcliffe Critics
(as long as u don't insult them in front of my face or on my blog, you wont be hated)
Paris Hilton or any other such cliche actors/singers
Spongebob Squarepants (cause he is polluting the young minds of the children and filling sawdust in em!)
People Showing Off
People Insulting/ Hurting Others (esp my Friends)
Interruptions during my Fav Movies or TV Programmes
People Enforcing anything on me [I do things as I please]
Used To:
Wearing casts Due to Basketball {For Sprains}
Teachers and Parents breathing down my neck to get me to work harder.

a Wishlist

Electric Guitar
Ipod Video
Electric Guitar Synthesizer
Hilary Duff Collectors Items
Hilary Duff Fan's Membership
To be in Hilary Duff's BAND!
That My friends always remain my friends!
To be able to sing
To be a Spy and Serve my Country

And OF COURSE: World Peace
[Got to a Miss Congeniality now don't we?]

a Friends


a Archives

November 2004
December 2004
October 2005
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007